Topic outline
By creating the European Prescribing Exam and the European Platform for Prescribing Education, the first steps toward harmonizing and modernizing clinical pharmacology and therapeutics (CPT) education have been taken. However, changing curricula is a challenging task. For instance, research has shown that students who received problem-based education in CPT performed significantly better compared to their peers who received traditional education [Brinkman, 2018]. Despite this evidence, a considerable number of medical schools in Europe still rely on traditional education methods, which hampers the goal of providing equal opportunities for all students in the EU. Transitioning to a problem-based program does not have to be complicated, but it necessitates the right resources and insights. The same applies to the curriculum content. Teaching conventional topics such as hypertension is well-established, but subjects like drugs and planetary health and diversity in prescribing are still uncommon yet crucial.
With the Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Teacher The Teacher (CP4T) program, teachers will receive education through a multi-module (online) course. They will learn how to incorporate state-of-the-art educational methodologies, align their curriculum with content from EurOP2E and assessments (such as EuroPE+), and establish international collaborations.
1. (Online) Teach the Teacher courses;
2. Revising the Guide to good prescribing;
3. Revising the Teacher's guide to good prescribing;
4. Organizing international Student-Run Clinics (see here);
5. Creating teaching materials.